Wednesday, August 22, 2012

RiaR #3

Hi Jammers! Welcome to my third RiaR. Here, i will tell you more about Top Hats.
Top hats; The Most Wanted Member items on AJ.
What to say about Top Hats? There are 8 colors of Top Hats. I will list them by rarity. First- Rarest:
1. Tan/Brown Top Hat
2. Solid Blue Top Hat
3. Red Top Hat
4. Striped Blue Top Hat
5. Solid Black Top Hat
6. Purple-Pink Top Hat
7. Black- Striped Top Hat
8. Pink Top Hat
In this moment, i have 2 pink Top Hats.
Here are some pictures of Top Hats:
That is all for now. See you!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

RiaR #2

Hi Jammers! Welcome to my RiaR (Rare Informations about Rares).
Now, i will tell you more about non-member item called Scary Bat Wings.
It is most wanted non-member item.
Scary Bat Wings were in store on Halloween, 2010. They will mostly come this year on Halloween.
Scary Bat Wings are very rare, but before 4-5 months ago, it was worth Solid Black Top Hat, but now it is worth just Black- Striped Top Hat. If you ask me, Scary Bat Wings are worth Pink Top Hat, cause i see them every day. Here is picture of them.
I don't have anything more to say. See you!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rare informations about Rares (RiaR) # 1

Hi Jammers! Welcome to my Mini Blog. Here, i will post just about rares. But don't forget, rares are not important.
And first RiaR will be about item called Beard.
Beard is Beta Neck item, there are 8 colors. I will sort them by rarity: First- Rarest:
1. Orange Beard
2. Black- White Beard
3. Light Brown Beard
4. Cream Beard
5. Dark Brown Beard
6. Pink Beard
7. Silver Beard
8. Black- Red Beard
Orange Beard is Ultra Rare. There is just 1 or 2 Orange Beards.
Here are some pictures of Beards:
This was my first RiaR, see you in next!